you tube blues....
well this was a little boogie woogie jam...saved in time, "thank god my music's still alive"!
Has most of my good friends here at u2b would have to agree, that we, all of us, gots a little bit of u2b addiction goin' on here.
Now c'mon...admit it!! OK, I'll go 1st.....MY name is Ralph and I'm a u2b addict....."HI RALPH"......."hi everyone"...I'm Ralph and I'm powerless over my addiction....
does anyone care to share at this u2b anonymous meeting???
well....I guess none of us are clean....we all our users....we all have usernames. (conkling...what the hell kinda name is that)...
(oh on a sidenote...we'll be serving hot coffee and comments after the meeting) u haters....behave!
....shit where was I...oh yeah...addiction and the blues....yes, yes...........but now I'd like to address a whole new level of youtube blues...
Ladies and gentlemen in club virtualism...I'm talkin' about the weird little anomalies that seem 2 b happening occurring ever so often as of late. Disappearing comments....being locked out of one's site. Just the sort of weird stuff that's happening to...I don't know....anyone who happens to mention the word....'FREEDOM'...or 'RON PAUL'....or rEVOLution....or maybe even that awful cuss word.....'CONSPIRACY'....shhh shhh bequiet....they'll hear me!!!! But being in a free country...with freedom of speech...these anamolies must be the product of a completely over-active imagination....yeah....flashbacks from my trippin days.....can u dig it........but yeah the youtube blues are getting worse....but my good's time to raise the vibration and enter into the higher consciousness. We are entering into the new age of the sun. We are spiritual beings on a human journey....not the other way around...the revolution is not about violence. It's about love. What is this dream? It is the dream of dreams. Bathe in this radiant light. It will never fail you. Our potential is endless. What's all this bullshit about 'junk DNA' we have the means 2 become one with the spirit. Did you think that all of your positive thoughts and prayers just disappear into thin air....? Can u imagine the power of Billions of people concentrating together as one. For a higher purpose....the collective consciousness....We are on the brink of a spiritual awakening.....(excuse me...I just farted...)

Labels: youtube google ralphbuckley censor government RonPaul NewWorldOrder Rockefeller piano boogieWoogie
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