Monday, June 16, 2008

Sick & Tired

sick and tired...
Got some stuff to cover this time around...
1st off...The response for the idea of putting together a "Toobstock West" or a festival of music, with the idea of raising awareness of Peace & Freedom...
Well the response was so strong (still going actually), that I'm thinking that we can really make this happen. Don't U. Nothing will happen unless U believe it...U can see it...!
well...I can see it.
Has I stated previously...there are some U2bers here who are "wide awake"...
I'm hopin' somebody out there will eventually come forward with a 'place' to do this, maybe a 'couple of acres' or 'piece of land'...Someplace where we can make this thing happen.
Even if it comes down to renting an auditorium or building or a house..whatever....considering weather and time of doesn't matter...
It doesn't matter where it is...cause the "the spirit of Peace & Freedom will be there.

I wanna ask those of you who wanna 'keep the flame burning' on this to sign up on my '2012 Consciousness Awareness' mailing list...over at

I'm also gonna be starting up a 'forum' through my website & skype so that we can keep current on these & other we can share ideas & info. To keep this thing alive...(thank u 2 pbeachmike for helping me)
I know in my heart that this 'group consciousness' effort is also gonna come into a BIG WAY...
I can visualize a whole bunch of us coming together to enjoy good music and company....but also to bring a large group of people together to raise the level of shine our light as one...!!!
To reflect a light so that all souls can see it...(or feel it)

I know that I'm taking a big step here...but I've been talking about this for months now....& time is passing us by....
That's why I need to speak out now...
People the time is NOW.....We are made up of so much more then flesh...We are Spirit.....and we all know it!!!

We will let people know when the forum is up and running...though it should be up within a few days.
Check in over at
or email me at

If any of U wanna incorporate your blogs and websites with this....lets link up NOW...!!!!
It's time to team up & help each other...

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